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What will I do if I forgot my username or password on MediCard GO?

  • On the log-in screen, tap FORGOT PASSWORD?
  • Enter your member code and date of birth.
  • Choose whether to receive a temporary password via email or SMS.
  • Check your email or SMS to see your username, copy the temporary password and input it on the next screen, together with a new password.
  • Your new password should have 8 (minimum) to 25 (maximum) characters and may contain:
      • Alphabetic characters: A-Z, a-z
      • Numeric characters: 0-9
      • Special characters: ! # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , – . /: ; < = > @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
  • You will be asked to input the OTP you will receive via email or SMS to successfully update your password.
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